This Weekend at St. James the Less
Friday Morning Prayer Online 9 am on our Youtube Channel Sunday Church Services 9 am & 10:30 am Optional Healing Prayer at both Services Coffee Hour after both services Annual Meeting In Parish Hall 11.45 - 12:45 am Childcare provided during the Annual Meeting Composers of St. James concert at 3:00 pm, reception following For more infomation visit:
Annual Parish MeetingSunday February 2, 11:45 am -12:45 pm
For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hsFa_WIvVR6KVxqrvl0Pn9QfHo7Ag5vBCO9qiHsZfjs/edit?usp=sharing
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Optional Healing PrayerEvery First Sunday of the Month Parishioners have the option on the first Sunday of each month (both services) to receive healing prayers for themselves or a loved one after receiving Holy Communion. Prayers are said by certified lay chaplains in a quiet space (our chapel) and kept always confidential. NEW: Lay chaplains are also available to take Communion to you or to a loved one if you're unable to make it to church. We're happy to visit anyone at all, even just to lend a listening ear or say a quiet prayer together. Our chaplains are here to support our parishioners in hard times, so please call on us! Send a confidential email to: laychaplains@stjamesscarsdale.org. For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/events/optional-healing-prayers/2025-02-02
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Composers of St. James with Historic SermonsSunday, February 2 at 3 pm Come hear the music, words, and stories that have defined the life at St James. Music will feature several composers who have been members or served at St. James the Less, including Cab Calloway, Marjorie DeLewis, Phillip Martin and Harold Freidell. Music will be interspersed with excerpts from historic sermons, including the sermon preached after Lincoln's assassination and Father George Kempsell's sermon following the controversial Holly Ball affair. Come experience a glimpse of St James' history. Free-will offering |
Shin Bone to the Knee Bone: On Working Together to One EndLast Sunday's Sermon, by Mo. Storm From the Sermon on Paul's Metaphor of the Body: Paul wrote these words for a church. One of the earliest churches, in the Greek city of Corinth, sometime around the year 50 AD. Today, we hear it still, as a message to the church. Timeless, it never fails to amaze me how much it continues to apply to all the diverse communities of Christians that make up our parishes. But Paul’s reading is useful in other contexts, too. Consider these words in the context of our present national life. We’re reaping the consequences today of decades of saying to each other, to quote Paul’s eye to the hand “I don’t need you.” You don’t look like me, you don’t sound like me, you don’t think like me, I’m going to get as far away from you as I possibly can. We’ve been at this as a country long enough that our geography has been shaped by it, a whole population clustered according to our views. Someone I was talking to this week referred to the political map of our country, rimmed in blue and filled in with red. She said it with a note of despair in her voice. I feel that way, too, when I look at those maps. That’s the real effect of years and years of distancing and removing ourselves from each other. Sometimes I think how amazing it would be if somehow someone just shook the whole map and rearranged us, and we all had to live among, and cooperate with people unlike us. We’ll find we barely know each other. But living side by side might change that pretty fast, and for the better. Paul didn’t write this for states or countries, but it could be a powerful metaphor for them... For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/media/2025-01-26-shin-bone-to-the-knee-bone
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Welcome to Shareda Singh
Please make note of Shareda's contact information above. Members of St. James: be sure to read this past Tuesday's member email for some tips on welcoming Shareda in this new role. And note: you can both text and call the number above. |
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Bible EnthusiastsA Book Group Devoted to Reading about the Bible - Tuesday February 25, 7-8:15 am Interested in learning more about the Bible? This group is open to all, whatever your level of experience with the Bible is. Come learn something new and get to know others! We meet about four times a year in a parishioner's home. Sign up below and we'll send along the address for our next gathering. OUR NEXT BOOK is "Jesus: A Life" by A.N. Wilson. Buy it and join us! |
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Pilgrimage to Turkey: Summer 2026Miss Our Recent Meeting? Fill Out the Form Below & We'll Contact You According to the Acts of the Apostles, Paul’s conversion to Christianity took place in a profound, life-changing experience on the road to Damascus. We embark on an unforgettable journey to retrace the footsteps of Paul through Turkey and Greece to discover firsthand the sights, sounds, and feelings that he may have had as he taught about the life and works of Jesus Christ. We’ll see the seven churches of Revelation “which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.” As we walk where Paul walked, perhaps we too will have profound, life-changing experiences on ‘the roads’ of these ancient lands. For more infomation visit:
Have You Made Your 2025 Pledge?You Can Pledge to St. James the Less at Any Time Pledges made in advance and paid throughout the year are vital to our parish. This is how Episcopal parishes support themselves, from the ground up. If you enjoy worship or any of the programs at St. James the Less, please show your support by making a financial pledge. Thank you! The vestry will vote on the 2025 budget in mid-January. For more infomation visit:
This Sunday's Bulletin
You can view this Sunday's bulletin at the link below. Names of all readers, servers, and acolytes are always listed on the last page of the bulletin. Readings are also there for readers to view in advance. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12od7Y6lG9ry6H3rKLPvdZN8kigq3VUw7dbUu9TwyJ-I/edit?usp=sharing