This Weekend at St. James the Less
Friday Morning Prayer Online 9 am on our Youtube Channel St. James Fordham Food Pantry 8 am (details below) Kids' Choir Rehearsal (for the 10:30 service) at 9:45 am Sunday Church Services 9 am & 10:30 am Coffee Hour after both services Farewell to Carol Burns at 11:45 in the Great Hall Confirmation Class for 7th & 8th graders 5:30-6:30 pm For more infomation visit:
Come Thank Carol This Sunday
Carol Burns, our Director of Finance and Operations, is retiring this month after 7 1/2 years at St. James. Come celebrate her work with us and thank her at the coffee hour following our 10:30 am service. If you'd like to make a donation to her thank-you gift, you can do so at the link below. The gift itself will come from the entire parish. We're so grateful for her work and her friendship! For more infomation visit: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=f2c5cf7f-6864-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11
Kids' Choir Tutorial Video for This SundayHave fun practicing at home, and join us at 10 am this Sunday! Kids! Prepare at home for the kids' choir performance (up to grade 6) on Sunday January 26. This is the piece we'll sing, with instruction from Victoria, our Organist and Music Director. See you at 9:45 on Sunday for a quick in-person rehearsal before the 10:30 service. For more infomation visit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FtMRD2Bn14mN0jxO2mbcu-o6bBxKDT1S/view?usp=sharing
St. James Fordham Food Packing & DistributionSaturday, January 25 at 8 am All are welcome to help us pack 300+ grocery bags for the food insecure in the neighborhood of our partner parish, St. James Episcopal Church in Fordham. To be added to the email distribution list for this ministry (where you'll receive reminders and occasional updates), please fill out the brief form below and you'll be added to the emails sent out from the group leader, Geoff Loftus. For more infomation visit:
Composers of St. James with Historic SermonsSunday, February 2 at 3 pm Come hear the music, words, and stories that have defined the life at St James. Music will feature several composers who have been members or served at St. James the Less, including Cab Calloway, Marjorie DeLewis, and Harold Freidell. Music will be interspersed with excerpts from historic sermons, including the sermon preached after Lincoln's assassination and Father George Kempsell's sermon following the controversial Holly Ball affair. Come experience a glimpse of St James' history. Free-will offering |
Annual Parish MeetingSunday, February 2, 11:45 am -12:45 pm
Bible EnthusiastsA Book Group Devoted to Reading about the Bible - Tuesday February 25, 7-8:15 am Interested in learning more about the Bible? This group is open to all, whatever your level of experience with the Bible is. Come learn something new and get to know others! We meet about four times a year in a parishioner's home. Sign up below and we'll send along the address for our next gathering. OUR NEXT BOOK is "Jesus: A Life" by A.N. Wilson. Buy it and join us! |
Pilgrimage to Turkey: Summer 2026Miss Our Recent Meeting? Fill Out the Form Below & We'll Contact You According to the Acts of the Apostles, Paul’s conversion to Christianity took place in a profound, life-changing experience on the road to Damascus. We embark on an unforgettable journey to retrace the footsteps of Paul through Turkey and Greece to discover firsthand the sights, sounds, and feelings that he may have had as he taught about the life and works of Jesus Christ. We’ll see the seven churches of Revelation “which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.” As we walk where Paul walked, perhaps we too will have profound, life-changing experiences on ‘the roads’ of these ancient lands. For more infomation visit:
Have You Made Your 2025 Pledge?You Can Pledge to St. James the Less at Any Time Pledges made in advance and paid throughout the year are vital to our parish. This is how Episcopal parishes support themselves, from the ground up. If you enjoy worship or any of the programs at St. James the Less, please show your support by making a financial pledge. Thank you! The vestry will vote on the 2025 budget in mid-January. For more infomation visit:
This Sunday's Bulletin
You can view this Sunday's bulletin at the link below. Names of all readers, servers, and acolytes are always listed on the last page of the bulletin. Readings are also there for readers to view in advance. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12od7Y6lG9ry6H3rKLPvdZN8kigq3VUw7dbUu9TwyJ-I/edit?usp=sharing