In Thanks for God's BlessingsJoin us for Tomorrow's Blessing of Our Pledges Tomorrow at both services we'll gather up our pledges in the offering plate and bless them over the altar. If you've pledged already, either online or with a physical card, we've made up a card with your name on it that will already be in the plate for its blessing. If you haven't yet pledged, you may bring the card you received in the mail or fill out a card in church. We'll have extras around for you. Let's get to 100% participation with 150 families! A Prayer for Our Pledges: Gracious and loving God, giver of all that is good and true and beautiful and life-giving. These cards represent our sweat, they represent our lives, they represent our dreams. The pledges which we make on them are but tokens of the gifts that have been given to us and they are pledged in thanksgiving for all we have received, for all we have been inspired to be, for all we are challenged to become, in this place. May they be the first fruits of all we have and not what we have left over, so that we may live out as closely as possible how you give to us. May we see them as our offering to you, sacred, holy, yet earthy, filled with possibilities. May we hold this image in our hearts and minds so as we watch our offerings each week come to your table, we can see our very selves being part of this offering, it is us on the table, living sacrifices to you. Amen. |
Make A Pledge
You can pledge by filling out the digital pledge card, or the one you received in the mail. Both these express your intention to pledge. If you would like to go ahead and set up recurring payment online, you can bypass the card and go straight to our online giving platform, which can be set to begin right away, or in January 2025. For more infomation visit:
Thank You to Those Who've Pledged So Far for 2025
Irv and Sandy Atkinson, Uma and Ajit Banerjee, Lyn Boreland, Ruth Boser and Rob Fath, Susie Bourhill, Liza and Peter Brady, Nigel Bunnett, Pip and Rich Cacciato, Melissa Caramanica, Edward and Phyllis Chang, Eileen Conde, Al Conte, Russell and Omaira Crane, Eliza Davies, Ocean Mills and Tom Finlan, Diana and Kevin Finnerty, Bill and Becca Foley, Sherin and Sam Frank, Nathan Gallup, Tina and John Gerraughty, Charles Gibson, Russell Grant and Pedro Ladislau, Tracy and Bill Haffner, Jim and Julie Hallowell, Lisa-Marie and Douglass Hatcher, Matt and Meagan Henry, Alice Herman, Wilder and Mary Jean Howland, Donna and Roberto Hunter, Priscilla and Tsutomu Ishiguri, Bud and Lynn Johnson, Angela Kenney, Linda Killian, Nicholas King, Tom Lacalamita, Toni Lewis, Geoff and Margy Loftus, Ricky and Yachiyo Lu, Tracy and Marc McCarthy, Ellen McNally, Diana and Michael Mitchell, Frank and Amber Mizerik, Francia Morhardt-Smith, Maureen Moser, Janice Ohrablo, Gunilla Fahringer-Perez, Karen Preiser, Roseanne Riolo and Frank Durante, Greg and Rachel Roberts, Donna Robertson and Raymond Chow, Jennifer Sabia, Catherine Schoetz and Neil Ritchie, Pam and Walter Schwer, Monica Sganga, Sean and Rebecca Smith, Stephen Stamas, Andrew Wood and (the Rev.) Astrid Storm, Sarah and Jose Tabb-Garza, Gina Taglieri, Mark and Kathy Trager, Mark and Meaghan Vernazza, Janelle and Mark Walhout, Judith Walsh, Andrea and James West, David and Qin Wiles, Neil and June Winward, Tom and Lisa Wolfe, Michele Wood, Pat and Deidre Wynne, Dorothy and David Yewer, Rick and Dotty Young |
Stories from YOU!Did You See our YouTube 2025 Appeal Playlist? We've been having lots of fun putting together videos of parishioners encouraging others to make a pledge. Click the button to view our new playlist of very short blurbs of your fellow parishioners, and look for more to come! For more infomation visit: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgirqaU-kr6tBXVLavjrYo7LY7ZVwwoyb&si=V-_uIohLq6dDabm2
Next, Our Expenses ...
Scan the QR Code or Scroll Down to Make Your Pledge
In Thanks for God's Blessings: A Letter from our Co-ChairsA generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25) At this time of harvest and thanksgiving, we are starting our St. James the Less 2025 Annual Appeal. A successful Appeal results in a strong church, a church that spiritually feeds the souls and faith of its members, that teaches our children, and that does good works in the larger community. This year’s Annual Appeal is especially meaningful, as it continues the incredible legacy of our founding 175 years ago and allows each of us to be a part of that legacy going forward. For more infomation visit:
What Do You Have That You Did Not Receive?An Appeal Letter from the Rector "What do you have that you did not receive?" That comes from Paul's Second letter to the Corinthians. It was quoted frequently by St. Augustine of Hippo, a great theologian in the early church who, like Paul, wanted his people to remember that everything we have comes from God. Everything is a gift. Everything. For me, personally, that verse has been a lifeline. It's helped me relax and lighten my mental and emotional grip on so many things that I think are mine. It's also helped me be more generous. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11f8X_-LiVxg6gR_YSWz2phHXJrfsZSQNMwpYCP0dbE0/edit?usp=sharing
Frequently Asked Questions
What is St. James the Less’ annual operating budget? Our annual operating budget for 2025 is expected to be $900,000. This year, we hope to raise $485,000 toward our budget in pledged income. The rest comes from fundraisers, space rental, plate income on major holidays, and investment income. Who decides what the budget should be? The budget is carefully put otgether by the finance committee, rector and wardens, and approved by the vestry in its draft form in September. In accordance iwth Episcopal Church canon law, the final budget is presented and voted on by the vestry at the December vestry meeting. Our operating budget reflects the priorities and goals of the St. Jame the Less community, based on the input of elected vestry members, the rector and your pledge response over the next months. What is my pledge used for? Your pledge sustains St. James the Less. It enables us to worship on Sunday,s funds our various programs, including Music, Christian Education and Youth Groups, and pays our dedicated staff. Your pledge enables us to care for the upkeep of our historic sanctuary and grounds, including the only cemetery in Scarsdale. It allows us to help others through our outreach. It keeps the lights on, the heat up, and the doors open as we worship God together. How much should I give? Giving is a personal decision, and people calculate giving to their church home in different ways. Some tithe, which means givig 10% of your income to the church. Others prefer "proportional giving,: which means giving some percentage of your income - maybe less, but maybe more than 10%. Please consider challending yourself by pledging a percentage of your income that is even higher than you think you can afford, so that giving becomes an act of faith and spiritual growth. Does St. James the Less receive money from the Episocopal Diocese of New York? The diocese does not give money to St. James the Less. In fact, like most churches in our diocese, St. James the Less pays an assessment each year to suppor the operations of the diocese and the larger Episocpal community in New York City and the Lower Hudson Valley. The money we pay helps cover the annual operating costs of the Diocese, including a portion of its outreach initiatives. Does St. James use investments to pay a portion of the annual operating budget? Yes. Historically, we have used a portion of our investments to fund our annual operating budget. Our goal as a parish is to increase pledging to reduce our dependency on the annual endowment draw, and preserve our remaining endowment. A congregation that is invested in and commited to the work of the parish will fund 75% or more of its operating budget through pledge income. Can I ust place an offering in the plate when I come to church? Weekly offerings are, of course, welcome and encouraged. However, pledging is a deeper and more meaningful commitment, which has important practical benefits as well. When you make your pledge, it gives the finance committee, the recotr and wardens, and the vestry a firm idea of what St. James the Less can afford to do in the coming year. Who know the amount of my pledge? Mother Storm and Carol Burns, the Director of Finance and Operations for St. James the Less. That's it. No one else. They keep that information confidential. And please be assured that no matter how much or how little you are able to give, you are never judged on our pledge. Can I change my pledge during the year if I need to? Yes. A pledge is a commitment that St. James the Less relies upon for budgeting decisions, but unexpected events happen, and you can increase or decrease your pledge as circumstances change. When should I make my pledge? Our 2025 Annual Appeal begins now, and you can make your pledge at any time. Throughout November we wil discuss the Annual Appeal during announcements at church, through online reminders, and in other ways. And while new pledges are always welcome, we hope to conclude the Annual Appeal by Sunday, December 15, so that the vestry can finalize the 2025 budget. How do I pay my pledge when the time comes? St. James the Less is equipped to receive cash, checks and electronic transfers like ApplePay Venmo and Zell. You can meet your pledge through a one-time lump sum payment or in installments each week month or quarterly. And, it is easy to pay your pledge in person at church, through the St. James the Less website or on our mobile app. We can also set up automatic bank withdrawals. At the end of the year you will receive an annual giving statement for tax reporting purposes. Will I be thanked for my pledge? Yes, yes, and yes again! Your pledge and your overall commitment to our beloved church is so appreciated! |