Service to the wider community and beyond is one of the main reasons people join St. James. We have a lot of outreach programs, participation in which we consider "doing church," too. There are programs for all ages. Below are some of our regular community service programs, though we're active in many ways and throughout the year. Some of our members serve on local and diocesan boards, many do "hands-on" work (and of all ages), others help plan events to raise money for the organizations we support. To volunteer, see the "Events" page for upcoming outings and sign up there. All welcome!
TO JOIN A GROUP, EMAIL "OFFICE@STJAMESSCARSDALE.ORG" WITH THE MINISTRY NAME IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND YOU'LL BE ADDED TO THE LIST AND RECEIVE A RESPONSE. Our parish runs on volunteers and a small office staff. We are always looking for people to help with everything from overseeing our church finances and buildings to setting up the altar on Sundays, delving into our history with the History Commitee, and much more. We also have social groups, such as our Men's Group.