This Weekend at St. James the Less
Friday Morning Prayer Online, 9 am Sunday Services 9 and 10:30 am Church School during the 10:30 am service Coffee Hour following both services Ice Cream Truck following the 10:30 service For more infomation visit:
Ice Cream Truck SundaySunday, June 16 at 11:30 am Join us as we celebrate the last day of Church School before summer break. The ice cream truck will roll up at 11:30, right after the 10:30 service. Don't miss it! |
Proud to be Episcopalian
St. James is proud to be part of the Episcopal Church, and to share in its inclusivity towards the LGBTQ+ community. During Pride Month we'll be sure to display our Episcopal Shield to show our support! |
Congratulations to Tom FinlanRecipient of this year's Wally Owen Award Photo: Tom (second from right) with recent fellow-recipients of the Wally Owen Award St. James is so fortunate to have so many dedicated and talented volunteers, such as Tom, the very deserving recipient of this year's Wally Owen Award! Thank you to all who came last Sunday to celebrate him, and to Marc McCarthy for the lovely presentation of Tom's accomplishments at St. James. Click the button below to read what Marc wrote. For more infomation visit:
Graduation Sunday Moved to June 23
Note that we've moved Graduation Sunday from June 16 to June 23 to accommodate more of our graduates. Join us at the 10:30 service on the 23rd as we recognize this year's High School graduates. |
Friday Online Morning PrayerFriday, June 14 at 9 am Join us for Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer, led by a lay person at St. James. You can watch anonymously, or make yourself known in the chat sidebar. All welcome, or watch afterwards if you like. For more infomation visit:
Online Fundraiser for Outreach - Last Days to Bid!Bid from 12 pm Saturday, June 1st - 12 pm Saturday, June 15th We are holding a small online auction to benefit our Outreach Fund. Help replenish our funds to support our work with St. James Fordham Food Pantry, Midnight Run, Rural and Migrant Ministry, Hearts and Homes for Refugees, and the Haiti Congregation of the Good Shepard school. Click the link below to bid on Giants tickets, golf at Sunningdale, hosted events, and more! The auction begins on Saturday, June 1st at 12 pm and will close Saturday, June 15th at 12 pm. For more infomation visit:
Renew and Revitalize Task Force
Read all about last Monday's Renew and Revitalize Task Force meeting. Sign up to join the task force, and/or view a few before and after pictures from our Landscape Master Plan by clicking the button below. Also, thank you for reading these emails!! Last Tuesday we reached an open rate of 80%! For more infomation visit:
On our Social Media Pages
There's a lot to celebrate at St. James! Check out our latest posts on social media, including our high school kids' discussion with the youth group at nearby Shaarei Tikvah Syngagogue, and the reunion of our Holy Land pilgrims last weekend. For more infomation visit:
Intergenerational "Pick-up" ChoirSunday, June 30 at the 10:30 service Summer pick-up choirs are fun! No robing, no pressure, no long commitments, same-day rehearsal, and intergenerational. Try it out! No prior experience needed. For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/events/intergenerational-choir/2024-06-30
Last Sunday's Sermon: (Re)Considering Eve, the Mother of All Livingby Guest Preacher Harriet Ellis + Sunday June 9 It was a treat to have Harriet Ellis, friend of St. James and parishioner at Birmingham Cathedral, England, preach last Sunday! She preached on no less than Eve, the Mother of All Living from the book of Genesis. What does our historical treatment of Eve say about Christians? How can we redeem her image? And have we been reading her wrong all along? Harriet helps us consider this remarkable woman from another perspective, one that conforms with her esteemed name, "Eve." For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/media/2024-06-12-the-mother-of-all-living
St. James Bible EnthusiastsAn Ongoing In-Depth Look into the Bible + Wednesday, July 10 The St. James Bible Enthusiasts, a spin-off of our 2022/23 Bible Marathon Group, is open to everyone who wants to learn and get to know other parishioners. Our next gathering is July 10 at 7 pm at the home of group member Bill Haffner. We'll continue our discussion of "Why the Bible Began," but please feel free to attend even if you don't manage to read or finish the book. Note: if you're interested in updates/events on this group, please be sure to fill out this form and you'll automatically be added to our group email list. You can drop in when you're able; it's informal and geared towards participating when you're able. For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/events/st-james-bible-enthusiasts/2024-07-10
Get Involved at St. James the LessIt's Easy to Join a Group or Volunteer We're trying to make it easier to get involved and help out. Click button below for groups to join and/or volunteer needs, fill out the simple form for the group or ministry you'd like to be involved with, and you'll automatically be added to the email distribution group for that group or ministry. You can also sign up through our phone app any time. We really do run on volunteer labor. Thank you! For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/news/get-more-involved-at-st-james-the-less
Are You a Pledging Member of St. James?
We are so thankful for each and every pledge made to St. James. Ongoing financial contributions from parishioners are how Episcopal churches operate. If you take advantage of anything in the church--worship services, classes for kids and adults, outreach programs, fellowship, anything at all--please make a pledge to help us sustain these programs. The annual average pledge at St. James is approx $3500.00. By the numbers, it costs $6000.00 per family to do everything we do. Click the picture above to make a pledge. It's easy and secure. You'll receive a response from the office and the rector. Thank you! For more infomation visit: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/2227516
This Sunday's Bulletin
You can view this Sunday's bulletin at the link below. Names of all readers, servers, and acolytes are always listed on the last page of the bulletin. Readings are also there for readers to view in advance. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12od7Y6lG9ry6H3rKLPvdZN8kigq3VUw7dbUu9TwyJ-I/edit?usp=sharing