A Word from our Co-ChairsBill Haffner & Ocean Mills + Tuesday, March 19, 2024 The Capital Campaign continues to move forward as we build upon our already strong momentum and approach our closing date of May 5th. Even though the pledges are scheduled over a 3-5 year period, we are asking for pledge cards to be returned by May 5th so we can begin scheduling the projects. If someone reaches out to you for a meeting please kindly respond to them! These are no-pressure meetings and one of our goals is to build our community at St. James the Less by meeting with new members and deepening relationships among the long standing. Whatever you decide to give will be much appreciated. So far we have received 54 pledges and have raised almost 2 million. And once again, thank you to all who've already pledged. We are so grateful for your commitment to St. James and its future! |
Help Us Reach Our Next Milestone!
Help get us over the 2 million dollar mark! And remember, pledges come in all sizes and shapes. We're thankful for every pledge, whether it's $5000.00 or $50,000+ (and remember, gifts are typically given over a 3 to 5-year period). Schedule a visit below, and/or with the visitor who reached out to you. Look for our progress every week in this email and see the difference each and every one of us makes to this campaign. |
"It felt a little daunting!" And why it wasn't :)Parishioner and Vestry Member Hadley Miller talks about her campaign visit Hadley Miller, a member of the vestry and lifelong committed Episcopalian, well-versed in what it takes to support her church, tells us that even she was nervous about their campaign visit ... and what made it surprisingly great. She and her husband Doug were visited by Mother Storm and Margy Loftus. For more infomation visit:
Campaign Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I being visited? Is that really necessary? Will I be asked to give a specific amount? Is this part of my annual pledge? Why do I have to have a visit now? What should I expect when I am visited? Does it have to be at my home? Can I choose who visits me? |
Schedule Your Own Campaign Visit
You can schedule your own visit, and even (if you like) select the person, whether Mother Storm or a fellow parishioner, you'd like to have come visit you. Visits are the heart of this campaign--and people often say, the best part! We hope to see you soon.
For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/blog/schedule-your-own-campaign-visit--6
Volunteer to Help
Choose from a variety of roles, from visiting, to serving on the project team once work begins. For more infomation visit: