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St. James is so fortunate to have so many dedicated and talented volunteers, such as Deidre, the very deserving recipient of this year's Audrey Davies Award! Thank you to all who came last Sunday to celebrate her, and to Jen Young for the lovely presentation of Deidre's accomplishments at St. James. Here is Jen's speech from June 2:

Audrey Davies Award 2024

Deidre Wynne

The Audrey Davies Award is presented each year to a woman in our parish who has given long and varied service to St. James the Less, and Deidre Wynne has been a faithful member of St. James for  a very long time.  She raised two wonderful boys here (now men), while working full time and still finding time to serve on committees, giving time and treasure to outreach, and her talents to all things related to communications. Deidre has taught Sunday School, worked on the Christmas Pageant (anyone who has touched that knows…), organized Bingo nights, and the Kentucky Derby event, to name a few. 

During Covid Deidre was a leader of morning prayer, a lifeline for many during that challenging time.  And that now continues on Friday mornings.  I trained with Deidre for Community of Hope International (the COHI group), and she coordinates our healing prayers offered at today’s services. To me she is someone who sees a need and quietly and thoughtfully steps in. 

This Lent, Deidre ran a book group on "How to Know a Person" by David Brooks.   The main idea is to be an Illuminator, not a Diminisher.  An illuminator sees and understands others to know  what a person needs at the right moment.  It’s about looking beyond the superficial  traits and knowing a person's stories and passions.  Deidre lives this and brings this energy and vision to St James.  Inviting people to her home for small gatherings, reaching out always with sincerity, care, and love.  Her humor, intelligence and commitment draw people in.  Deidre IS an Illuminator, and it is my honor to announce her as the recipient of the Audrey Davies Award for 2024.

Thank you, Deidre.